Thursday, October 11, 2012

Welcome October!

I shouldn't really be on the internet right now (midterms next week), but I really wanted to blog!  I've been so busy with all my classes lately, honestly I'm kind of nervous about my grades in 3D animation and visual development... But I will pull through! I won't let myself or my grades slip this year.

So although this past week has been mostly school-homework-sleep, I did whip up some mini pumpkin pies for my roommates and I!  I can't let October go by without doing anything pumpkin related, I'm really seasonal when it comes to Autumn and Winter :>

Pumpkin pie bites!

Tomorrow after my life drawing class I'm going out with a friend for a good-bye dinner.  She's leaving back to Seoul for an indefinite amount of time, unfortunately.  We'll be going out with a small group of mutual friends to eat... Ethiopian food! I've never eaten Ethiopian cuisine before, so that'll be exciting to try out!

and a quick outfit snap to finish up this post :)


  1. Ohh my gosh, the little pumpkin pies are adorable. :) Good luck with the midterms!
